Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Today Rupert graduated from the Level 2 Obedience at the DTCC.  He was such a good baby!  I had been working to ween him off the treats, and was having trouble because, the minute he did not get a treat, that was it!  No treat = no work!  Well today we had a breakthrough and he did not humiliate me, as in the past, and did pretty much what was asked of him.

Here is the graduation class, Barbara, the teacher, is near me with the blue apron.  We had a real good time today working with the Agility equipment, and Rupert did quite well with all the different pieces.  At  first he seemed to have trouble with the tunnel (the small one), and the "plank" for lack of a better word, but at the second try he went through, and pretty soon he was just going on most equipment looking for treats.  Now we should begin a Level 3 class, Sports FUNdamentals, which will do a lot more agility, I don't know about Rupert, but I'm really looking forward to it!

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